- Grain-free dog food
- 27 % protein / 16% fat
- With 40 % Fresh Meat Content
- With 60 % Total Meat Content
- With Meradog protection concept
- With Colostrum – nature’s immune system protection
- 100% “Made in Germany”
- Produced to foodstuff standards
- Produced with green electricity – CO2 neutral
- No colourants or preservatives
Feeding instructions
Meradog dog food is generally fed dry. Make sure that your dog has a constant supply of fresh water. The recommended details are only approximate values per day and must be adapted to suit outside influences and the dog‘s dispositions.
We recommend
The above-mentioned feeding recommendation is merely a guideline for balanced, requirement-oriented feeding of your dog. This information was calculated in accordance with the latest scientific knowledge, but must be adapted to the individual needs of your dog. Because a single number cannot cover all of the individual differences and conditions such as breed, age and size of dog, movement level, environmental influences (weather, summer, winter) etc.
Please store all Meradog products in cool and dry place so that the quality of our products is maintained over their entire shelf life.
Extremely tasty, grain-free Meradog dog food for fully-grown dogs with special requirements, feeding difficulties, intolerances or allergies